Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What the people have been telling me after the WWE Manila Tour

Well... there are alot of reactions from my friends and from my brothers in the church.

They say...

"You spent your money on that 3600 pesos ticket just to see people who are fighting in the ring. A scripted foolishness"

"Alot of hungry people are not eating and you just spent your money on wrestling"

"Now you have the guts posting on your blog about spending money, yet you dont practice it" (he's reffering to the post with a title "Spending Money")

Let me first verify that I did not spent anything on that show. The WWE Manila Tour was my parents' birthday gift for me. I just woke up in the morning with a ticket in my table.

You might think that instead to going I could just wanna sell the ticket. Knowing my parents, it would hurt them if they knew I was going to sell the ticket to somebody else. And my friend Jacob will be alone in the Araneta Colisseum if ever i would not go.

I know that I said before, "spending your money on luxury or lavishness is a sin".... but please understand that it was not my money used to buy those tickets.

For the people who gave me the reason to post it here in my blog... comment if you still have something that bothers you regarding me watching the WWE Manila Tour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought... if your goal is to become a 'saint', aren't you guilty of the sin of pride? I think Jesus will be very angry at you. And he can throw lightning bolts.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Audrey Yu said...

Forget about what that annon said or anybody else.

If I were you, I would have done the same too... God is the only one who truly knows your heart. So keep yourself ever close to Him.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Diego said...


Tnx for the support

9:02 PM  
Blogger sonoftheprodigal said...

diego. i agree with audrey. never mind the anonymous commentor. st. ignatius says we will know that evil is tempting us when

1) we are disheartened from doing good things
2) when fear assails us because we think people will laugh at us
3) when we listen to our critics more than Him.

Most of the saints I know really proclaimed their hearts' desire to be holy. But servo is also right, we must be always on guard whenever our desire to be holy becomes an end to itself. Real holiness tends towards the good of others, not our selves. Even the most noble intentions can be led astray.

But pray to God so He may continue to guide you to the right path to Holiness.

5:48 PM  
Blogger JR Orbeta, SJ said...

diego and servo di dio,

I appreciate your pursuit of holiness. but i must remind you... HUMILITY is the heart of holiness. Mary is Blessed among ALL women because first and foremost, she humbled herself before her God. so mga kapatid, do not think that our desire for holiness is just our own pursuit... no! holiness is only possible in and with God... holiness is only possible if we humble ourselves and allow God to work the wonder in our lives.

the only thing that brought satan out from the presence and favor of God was his sense of pride... as Catholics, as persons keen in following the Lord, we must be very careful. maybe we are becoming proud and arrogant... and the only cure is HUMILITY.

God bless you.

10:19 PM  

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