Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A question needing an answer....

"everything happens for a reason"

I'm just a 14 year old kid who has questions that are left unanswered....

if everything happens for a reason, so there must be a reason for priests being gay? why are there priests not loyal to their vocation as a priest? why are there priests who lacks the gift of chastity? why are there priest who can easily give in to lust? and sometimes lust to their own gender?

Those are my questions... so if you know the answers... please make a comment and tell me.... tnx...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


priests are only persons -- frail and fragile -- like you and me. these priests became priests and their humanity, including all those limitations -- lust, greed, sexual orientation -- stay with them even after ordination.

so you see, the value and essence of FORMATION is all the more emphasized. Gay men will always be gay... even if they are priests. But there are gay priests who live the priestly promise of celibacy (and for religious priests like Jesuits, the vow of chastity) perfectly. It is all a matter of formation! the wonder of formation. so the better the formation program of these priests, the better and well-integrated they are not just as priests, but as persons.

so pray for our priests and for all formators of priests. may we truly produce priests after the heart of Christ.

God bless you.

Br. RJ, S.J.

8:11 AM  

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