Saturday, March 25, 2006

To save us... (reflection for March 26, 2006)

The gospel today takes us back to Exodus, when Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The Israelites criticized Moses and God. God wanted to wake up the discipline of the Israelites so He sent poisonus snakes to them. Alot of the Israelites died from the bite of the serpents. Then the Israelites repented and asked Moses for intercessions. Then in the desert, Moses lifted up a bronze serpent. So that all who were bitten by the poisonus ones could look at that bronze serpent with faith will be saved and be healed of their aliments.

On the Cross...

Jesus is also lifted up
Jesus is also raised
Jesus is also nailed

All of that happend to Jesus just to save us.

Lent is a time
Lent is an opportunity
Lent is a chance lift ourselves up to Him.

With His saving cross, He desires to save you from what brings you down. He desires to make your cross lighter so that it would be easier for you to carry...


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