Sunday, March 12, 2006

The transfiguration... (reflection for March 12, 2006)

Today is the feast of transfiguration. Jesus asked Peter James and John to come with Him in a high mountain. Since Peter, James and John are followers of Christ, they followed Him. Then the clothes of Jesus became dazzling white. The 3 was so happy and honored to be a witness to the event of the transfiguration.

*Today is not the feast of transfiguration but the Gospel today reffers to the event of transfiguration* (Thanks for correcting me Jr! :)

In our lives, we are always asked by Jesus to follow Him. We may not know it, but we often doubt Christs' invitation. Let's take Peter, John and James as an example, they allowed Christ to lead them in a high mountain. In the end, they were so happy that they would not want to leave. All I'm telling is that we must allow Christ to lead our soul. We'll never know if we'll end up happy, but I assure you, if we allowed Christ to lead our soul, we will indeed be happy and wished we'd never want to leave that happiness. In the Second reading, the first line was, "if God is with us, who can be against us?"... So we must not be afraid to follow Christ, for if we suffer much, we know that God still won't leave us.
God loves us all even to those who does not love Him.

I can tell you now that I am suffering, but I expect more and great sufferings to come, for I aim to become a saint. I believe that if one aims to become a saint, he must expect grave sufferings. But that's all right for me, cause
what you suffer here on land is the opposite you'll get in heaven.

Christ is transfigured, not by changing into something He never was before, but by revealing to His disciples what He truly was in opening their eyes.


Blogger JR Orbeta, SJ said...


the Feast of the Lord's Transfiguration is celebrated by the Universal Church every AUGUST 6. so, march 12 is not the feast day of the Transfiguration... though the Gospel passage was the account on the Transfiguration.

keep on burning the fire of holiness in your life.

if you want to have more prayers and reflections, most especially during this lenten season, you may visit

this is a site produced by the Irish Jesuits.

God bless you.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Diego said...

Dearest Jr Orbeta, sj...

Tnx for correcting me!!!and tnx for the link... :)

8:37 PM  

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