Ice Age Interpretation... (reflection for April 23, 2006)

In that movie, there is this squirrel (i don't know if it's a squirrel, but it looks like one) who wishes to get hold of the nut. He went through alot of burdens and sacrifices just to get hold of that nut. It also came to a point that the squirrel is risking his own life just to get hold of that nut. Let's focus more on the squirrel rather than the movie itself...
For some, the squirrel may be hilarious and very funny, but when I saw that squirrel doing everything he can just for that nut, made me reflect.
I come to think that in reality, God is like the squirrel in the movie and we are the nut who keeps running away and avoiding Him. And God sacrifices everything just to save us from what makes us fall from sin. Similar to the nut and the squirrel, sometimes when we are in His arms, we suddenly slip off and He chases us again. And again He will sacrifice everything just to save us.
God has already did that, He sacrificed His only son, battered by the people and nailed to the cross and died for us just to save us from sin. Jesus suffered enough!!! Don't you think it's about time to repent and believe?
We can be like Thomas, a hard to believe type of guy who wishes to see first before he could believe. We sometimes demand for miracles to believe and because of these demands, we fail to see the small miracles that are happening in front of us. Very few believe even if there is no great miracle happening.
you are really a good person.. good reflector.. you don't just watch a movie and enjoy it.. its good.. anyway, all of us should do that.. a movie is partly for an entertainment but we should also analize what the director of the movie wants to tell us.. good one Rodrigo!ΓΌ
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