Monday, May 29, 2006

Finally! Da Diego's Code!!!

I do not look 18!!! that's for sure. I wasn't able to watch the movie. The guy selling the movie tickets said that I was "obviously" under 18 so he did not sell me some tickets. Jealously speaking, some of my friends (even younger than me!) watched the movie!!! But it's ok! :) I've read the book anyway so what's the point in watching the movie? The Da Vinci Code sold more than 50 million copies worldwide and now it's a film by Columbia Pictures.

I've heard of people posting in their blogs to boycott the movie.

I've heard of people leaving the catholic church after watching the movie.

I've heard of people changing their religions from catholic to protestants.

I've heard of people doubting the teachings of the church after viewing/reading the novel.

I've heard of debates concerning the novel wether to publish it or not.

I've heard of people rallying in the streets because the movie is being published.

I've heard and read of people's opinions after watching the movie.

We all know that the book/movie is a novel, so that makes it fictional regardless of the facts that are in the book. Brown simply used the facts in real life to create the fiction which is in the book/movie, there are alot of booklets, books, and documentaries concerning the Da Vinci Code telling all the inaccurate things about the Novel.

There is nothing bad in reading the book or watching the movie. The book is simply a book and the movie is simply just a movie. Then why are we so affected in the production of the movie? or the copying of the book. It's just a fictional novel, just enjoy it! And even if Jesus did fell inlove with Mary Magdalene, why focus on that??? That's the problem with people today, they only notice the things that are wrong with Christ, but not focus on what He did for mankind, which is to offer His life to save us from sin.

Let me give Kobe Bryant for example, Kobe bryant was accused of sexual harrasment, so publicity practically harmed his reputation being a basketball player and all that. Like Jesus, why do we focus on the sexual harrasment case of Kobe Bryant, while we can focus on the great things he has done for his basketball team, LA Lakers?

Some people after watching the movie, or have read the novel, changed their religions. From a catholic to a protestant, free-thinker or simply an anti-Christ. People who have been affected by the novel simply shows that they lack faith in God, knowledge in the scriptures and most of all, love for Christ. For some, the movie may be a threat to their faith. They tend not to read the book or watch the movie cause it might bring harm to their souls. We Catholics know that Christ died on the cross just to save us from sin! He died and raised from the dead! It is what we are suppose to believe! So there is nothing to fear!!! There is a post in this blog saying that there are 9 ways to know that the Gospels of Christ are true. So there is really nothing to fear!

What's the point in reciting the Apostle's Creed if we still have doubts about Christ in our hearts?

For the people who still doubt the Catholic faith and to those who still have "hang-overs" after watching the movie, I pray for your souls!!!

The movie is just a movie! the book is just a book! just enjoy it!


Blogger Audrey Yu said...

Oh you don't get to watch it? It's ok, that only proves one thing: you really look young! :) Oh by the way, I've got a short clip which is really interesting. Drop by my site anytime and have a good smile!

5:18 AM  
Blogger Reggae Princess said...

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2:04 PM  
Blogger Reggae Princess said...

I was blog hopping, and I managed to drop by this blog. Super nagaagree ako sa sabi mo. It was just fiction so no point in believing it. In the end, it's still a matter of faith. Apir. Hehe. Ü

2:33 PM  

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