1+1+1 = 1? (reflection for June 11, 2006)

Even the most considerate math teacher would flunk your grades if you would answer 1+1+1=1. But when it comes to God, 1+1+1 is indeed equals to 1. This is one of the reasons of why some catholics are changing their religions. They simply don't understand the Holy Trinity. Some might ask, "how can 3 divine persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be 1?"
Let us not focus on the Holy Trinity for a moment. Let's focus more on the physical reality that is present within us. Let's take me for an example. I am just 1, but to my parents, I am their son, to my teacher, I am a student, to a pet, I am a master. You see, 3 different personas, but still one me. The same goes for the Holy Trinity, 3 different persons but only one God.
Everytime we start a conversation with God, we first make the sign of the cross. It is a symbol of God's love for us. The Father as the creator, the son as the redeemer, the Holy Spirit as the consoler. The Holy Trinity is with us, always. When we make the sign of the cross, we are reminded of the Holy Trinity.
When newly weds said their vows, there was the sign of the cross.
Holy water poured to the forehead of a baby, there was the sign of the cross.
Passing by a church, there was the sign of the cross.
Today, we are reminded that the Holy Trinity is always with us, and there is nothing to fear. May God be with us always...
People can not leave the Catholic faith because of the trinity. It is a Christian doctirne. Not only do Catholics believe it, but so do other faiths; it's like a universal belief amonst religions.
However, why people may leave is because they can't understand why God the Father sent the Son to die for us, and to give us his Body and Blood at the Last Supper, and sent the Holy Spirit to renew the Church as it is one faith, one baptism, and one God.
In Christ,
Ed L.
eddy lee... :)
hmmmm... there are many reasons of why people leave the church, each one of those people has their own reason.
Here in the Philippines, there is a religion called Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) and that religion has their own channel in the television. In their show, they are interviewing a former catholic who transferred religions because there are many things she did not understand in the Catholic Church. She mentioned all of the things that she did not understand, and one of those reasons is the Holy Trinity.
In my post, I did not say that catholics change their religions because of the Trinity, I just simply said that the trinity is one of the reasons. :)
Thank you and GodBless!!! :)
Diego... :)
Sigh. It's sad that people left the church because of the teachings they don't understand. What they should be doing is to search the truth, and ask! Well, we should take the example of Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code, who untiringly search till he found the truth.
The real, one ultimate Truth is out there! All we gotta do is look for it. Like what God said in the Bible: "Look, and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened for you..."
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