Using freedom
The problem is not in God nor in freedom. The problem is us! We are not using freedom properly and wisely. We are using it for our selfish needs, it is why we sin. We sin not because of freedom itself, we sin because we are using freedom foolishly and unwisely. Keep in mind that God cannot break free will. As Morgan freeman said in his movie, Bruce Almighty where he played as God, "do whatever you want, but don't break free will". You see! Even God cannot break free will! He can of course with His own free will can do that, but His love for us never fades. He does not take back something that He has already given.
I know the fact that Adam and Eve sinned and disobeyed God beacause of freedom, but why do we focus on that? why do we focus on the bad side of freedom while we can focus on the good side of freedom. We sometimes only see the negative things about everything. But not to appreciate the little things that are happening.
Freedom is used wise if it is used for the sake of our neighbor or for the greater glory of our Saviour, and that is true freedom.
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