Sunday, June 18, 2006

What inspired saints to be saints?... (reflection for June 18, 2006)

Sacrifice may be a difficult word, a difficult task, and especially, a difficult action. Some may think that sacrifice leads to death. That's why people today (especially Christians) find it so hard to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But not all sacrifices leads to death. In fact, most of the sacrifices made leads to glory even if its end is death. Sacrifices of others may be an inspiration for us to sacrifice too.

Saints, from the sacrifices they have done inspires many souls (especially the martyrs who died painfully and bloody). They must be our models of sacrifice who through sacrifice, attained glory. But let us ask ourselves, what inspired saints to be saints? Have you ever encountered a similar question before?

My friends, in my point of view, what probably inspired saints to be saints is to be inspired by the model of sacrifice, Jesus Christ, who was nailed bloody to the cross, just to save us from sin. Out of love He sarcrificed Himself without any condition.

My friends, today is the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), let us be reminded that Jesus did not sacrifice Himself only when He was nailed to the cross but also when we receive Him in liturgy, where our soul is being fed.


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