The girl next door...
My Friends, Let us not focus on the movie itself as a teen comedy about pornography. Let us look at the facts about the movie that leads us to reality. Not all prostitutes and "sluts" sell themselves for the sake of pleasure. Women who has this nature of work does not want this.
We sometimes judge these kind of women who stands every night in the streets waiting for some rich politician or foreigner to pick them up and fuck them (sorry for the vulgar word, but it's true).
We sometimes keep on thinking what they do. Can't we look at the positive side wherein they sacrifice their pride and dignity for the sake of feeding their families, children, or simply just helping others? The Filipino people refer to them as "mababa ang lipad" but they still have a chance. Everyone has a chance as long as there is still life.
Prostitutes are still people so let us help them make a change in their lives.
+ Lord, help our sisters make a change in their lives. Help them not to give in to poverty that makes them prostitutetheir bodies. Instead, may they find delight in serving You. Help them to be inspired by the lives of saints, so that they may also be saints. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
St. Mary Magdalene... pray for us.
St. Dominic Savio... pray for us. +
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