Sinners yet saints (a liar and a killer)

Few days ago we celebrated the solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul. St Peter being known for denying Jesus 3 times and St. Paul being known for being a Pharisee that persecutes Christians.
Sinners yet saints...
In the Gospel during the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Jesus gave Peter the gates to heaven. Jesus, knowing that Peter will deny him, still gave Peter a responsibility (a very big one). That's how good our Lord is, we have His trust but does He have ours?
Next is St. Paul the persecutor. St. Paul persecutes Christians. He kills them for believing in Christ or anyone who os against the law. Now Paul converting to an apostle of Christ finds delights in what he is doing. He realized that in having Jesus, you have everything.
2 sinners yet 2 of the greatest saints. Paul being the inspired writer of letters, and Peter being the key holder to the gates of heaven. It only shows that God really has plans for all of us and that we must not be afraid. My friends...
We are all sinners, but we can also be saints.
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