Special gifts

In the movie X-Men the last stand, humans found a cure to mutation. This cure was negatively accepted by Magneto and his mutand comrades. So Magneto being the leader, organized a mutant group that will rebell against the humans who created the cure. The humans who created the cure only has the intention of helping them, and that is not probably understood by magneto. Now, the X-Men (Wolverine, storm, beast, iceman, etc.) will stop magneto and his recruited mutants to their plan to kill the creator of the cure (anglewing's dad).
Let us not focus on the movie and its story itself, but let us focus on the mutants and their unique gift and on how they used their gift. My friends, we are like the mutants in the movies of X-Men, each one of us has a special talent or gift. For some people, they have not yet discovered their God-given gifts, but I'm sure they will. We all have this unique gift, and now it is up to us to use it properly. May it be for the good or for the evil.
Our gift may be used to uplift our neighbor, or to pull them down and destroy them. My friends, we all have a choice. A choice that can affect ourselves and the people around us.
Are we using these gifts for the good of our neighbor and saviour? or are we using it for own selfish and sinful ways?
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