Superman returns...

Superman is strong and fast, he can withstand anything. He manages to take care of any problem with ease. But there is something that superman is not capable of handling with, and that is the element Kryptonite. The element kryptonite is a small fragment of a planet where superman once lived. It is deadly to superman. Any contact made by superman to a Kryptonite weakens him and might bring him death. There is an opposite alternative to a Kryptonite and that is sunlight. So Kryptonite weakens superman and sunlight makes superman strong.
Even though the movie was not that good, I can still make a reflection out of it. My friends, we all have weaknesses. No matter how strong we appear to other people, we must keep in mind that we all have our own weaknesses. And these weaknesses can make us lose our faith. Sometimes when burdens gets heavier, we tend to lose faith, we lose our sense of connection with God and we start to rebel against Him but in the end, it is He we come to!
My friends, we are all like superman, weakened by Kryptonite and strengthen by sunlight. When problems come, we are weakened, but when we go to God, we are strengthened.
God is like the sunlight, always there, all we have to do is show ourselves in His presence to be strong.
wala ko sab ehh kase engles at ayoko intindihin lol la lang ok lang post mo at quite sensible kaya gawa ka pa rame
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