Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ahead... Reflection for (October 22, 2006)

In today's Gospel, James and John wanted to be the right and left hand of Jesus in His throne, yet Jesus asked them to be humble if they wanted to be first, cause it's obvious that James and John wanted to be ahead among the apostles.

It's deafening to hear the similar things in the Gospels of Christ. Even in life, when you hear the same or similar things again and again, you tend not to listen anymore, which is actually one mentality of people nowadays especially the youth.

Parents or elders seem to scold their children again and again because they keep on doing the same mistakes. That's why children tend not to listen cause they hear the same things from parents. My fellow youth, they will keep on scolding us again and again with the same issue if we will keep on doing the same mistakes. May i suggest that when you make a mistake, improve by it. People may admire you for it.

So anyway, I'm getting far from the Gospel, people might think that this entry is a complete nonsense cause its not anywhere near to the topic in the Gospel.

Everyone wants to be powerful, and being powerful today means that you have the ability to be a leader, which is contradicting to the teachings of our Lord. Jesus teaches us that to be a leader, you must first be a servant. For being a leader means serving the society and not the society serving you. This is the kind of leadership that Jesus teaches. This is often being neglected by the leaders today. They forgot the fact that being a leader means being humble and serving.

My friends, being a leader doesnt mean that you have to be powerful, a leader must be servant.


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