I compared my life before we transferred to our new house. Then, it strucked my beautiful and marvelous mind!
I calculated it! I've came up with solutions that can help me overcome this problem! My marvelous and beautiful mind came bursting out with ideas of how to solve this personal problem of mine.
I finally got the answer to my problem! I would never thought that the answer would be so easy.
Service to the Lord is the solution. I'm nothing! I'm weak! I'm tired! without me serving at the Altar. I feel so incomplete without serving!
I recall the times when we still live at Murphy. I was so complete! I was so active! I was so energetic! I serve everyday in the church. I receive Jesus everyday in the church.
But now? I feel so incomplete without serving. I still serve at the altar but only on sundays, but it's not enough! I want to serve........
I miss the times that I spend the whole day in the church.... I miss the times that I serve at high masses.... I miss the times that it's me holding the Hole Incense.... I miss the times that I fetch altar servers who are too young to go to the church by themeselves and those who cannot go because of some reasons....