Sunday, March 22, 2009
I was walking around the slums of Tumana because I was looking for a pirated DVD of Slumdog Millionaire since we were asked to make a movie review of that movie. While I was looking for some DVD vendor, a couple of kids approached me begging for some money. I was short on something to give that time so I just said what ordinary people would say if they encountered such individuals, "wala akong pera eh" (I have no money).
It was then I remembered what priests often say on sunday masses, "fasting and abstinence is what we should do as Catholics this lenten season."
Upon seeing them, I realized that fasting and absitinence is only for those who can afford to fast and to abstain from something that they really want. Parents usually remind their children in this value and telling them not to eat meat and bla bla bla. Come to think of it, parents who say such things to their children say it because they can afford to.
People who are in the state of poverty doesn't have a choice. It is as if every season is lenten season. Hunger becomes a normal feeling and that having no choice in what to eat is a forever problem to them. So how does fasting and abstinence work for them?
Of course, fasting and abstinence is often done in food, but there are alot of ways on how to practice them. But in their case, how can they fast and abstain if they always do even if its not lent?
It seems to be that everyday to them is Good Friday. :(